Card Types - General, Skilled and Craft Cards

CSR provides cards for site visitors, apprentices, skilled operatives and craftsmen

Red Card - Apprentice

Applicants registered for a recognised Apprenticeship will be eligible for this card. Applicants must complete the 1 day CSR Health and Safety Training and provide proof of registration on a recognised Apprenticeship.

Renewal Requirement - CSR 1 Day Health & Safety Training.

On achievement of NVQ Level 2, apprentices upgrade from a red card to a blue card.  Apprentices should upgrade to a gold card when NVQ Level 3 is achieved.

Red Card - Trainee

The trainee card is available to applicants with limited construction experience who are in the process of completing a construction related NVQ qualification that leads to a Blue Skilled card.

Applicants must complete the 1 day CSR Health and Safety Training and provide proof of registration on an construction related NVQ qualification or equivalent.

Renewal Requirement - The Trainee card cannot be renewed.

On achievement of NVQ Level 2, trainees should upgrade from a red card to a blue card.  Trainees should upgrade to a gold card when NVQ Level 3 is achieved.

Red Card - Experienced Worker

The Experienced Worker card is available to candidates who are experienced but do not currently hold a NVQ qualification.

Applicants must complete the 1 day CSR Health and Safety Training and provide proof of registration on an NVQ Level 2 or 3 qualification (or equivalent).

Renewal Requirement - This card cannot be renewed.  Cardholders should upgrade to a Skilled or Craft card on achievement of the relevant NVQ qualification (or equivalent).

Green Card - Labourer

This card is available to those engaged in a labouring occupation.  Applicants must complete the CSR 1 day Health & Safety Training and have an employer declaration completed confirming the applicant is working in a labouring occupation.

The card is valid for 4 years from the date of completion of the CSR 1 day Health & Safety Training.

Renewal Requirement - CSR 1 day Health & Safety Training


Blue Card - Skilled Construction Operative (Renewal Only)

The Blue Skilled Construction Operative card was available to applicants with experience on site. Applicants completed the CSR 1 day Health and Safety Training and Occupational Assessment.

Please note the Occupational Assessment route was withdrawn on 1 September 2019.

Renewal Requirement - Blue Skilled Construction Operative cards previously issued  based on Occupational Assessment and Industry Accreditation are currently being short dated to expire on 31 December 2024 and cannot be renewed. Candidates should follow the guidance in Industry Accreditation and work towards gaining a qualification applicable to their current job role to ensure they can apply for a appropriate card.

Blue Card - Skilled

The Blue Skilled card is available to applicants who have completed the CSR 1 day Health and Safety Training and either a construction related NVQ Level 2 qualification (or equivalent), or a recognised Apprenticeship or a City & Guilds Craft Certificate. 

Please note the Occupational Assessment route was withdrawn on 1 September 2019. 

Renewal Requirement -  CSR 1 Day Health & Safety Training

Please note: Blue Skilled cards previously issued  based on Occupational Assessment and Industry Accreditation are currently being short dated to expire on 31 December 2024 and cannot be renewed. Candidates should follow the guidance in Industry Accreditation and work towards gaining a qualification applicable to their current job role to ensure they can apply for a appropriate card. 

Blue Card - Basic Scaffolder / System Scaffolder (Renewal Only)

Applicants must complete NVQ Level 2 ‘Accessing Operations and Rigging - Scaffolding’ and the CSR 1 day Health and Safety Training and the Scaffolder’s Touch Screen test. Occupational assessment is not available for scaffolding.<

Renewal Requirement - CSR 1 Day Health & Safety Training and operative or specialist working at heights CITB HSE tests

Gold Card - Craft

The Gold Craft card is available to candidates who have completed the CSR 1 day Health and Safety Training and either a construction related NVQ Level 3 qualification (or equivalent) or a Level 3  Apprenticeship or City and Guilds Advanced Craft Certificate.

Please note the Occupational Assessment route was withdrawn on 1 September 2019.

Renewal Requirement - CSR 1 Day Health & Safety Training

Please note: Gold Craft cards previously issued  based on Occupational Assessment and Industry Accreditation are currently being short dated to expire on 31 December 2024 and cannot be renewed. Candidates should follow the guidance in Industry Accreditation and work towards gaining a qualification applicable to their current job role to ensure they can apply for a appropriate card.

Gold Card - Advanced Scaffolder (Renewal Only)

Applicants must complete NVQ Level 3 ‘Accessing Operations and Rigging - Scaffolding’ and the CSR 1 day Health and Safety Training and the Scaffolder’s Touch Screen test. Occupational assessment is not available for scaffolding.

Renewal Requirement - CSR 1 Day Health & Safety Training and operative or specialist working at heights CITB HSE tests

White Card - Temporary

  1. The white card is issued to applicants with no experience in the construction industry. Applicants must complete the 1 day CSR Health and Safety Training. This card is valid for one year and may be upgraded when the cardholder meets the requirements of another CSR card.
  2. The white card is issued to applicants who do not have a National Insurance number. Applicants must complete the 1 day CSR Health and Safety Training. This card is valid for one year and may be upgraded when the cardholder has received a valid NI Number.

Renewal Requirement - This card cannot be renewed



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