
Construction Product Availability Statement No 9

Posted on 21/12/2021
The Construction Leadership Council have issued a further updated Product Availability Statement.



CEFs 2021 in numbers

Posted on 16/12/2021
2021 was another extraordinary year to be a representative trade association. We captured some of our activities in the following graphic to illustrate how we engage with and on behalf of the industry throughout the year.



Notification of NIHE Meet the Buyer Event in January - CTO100 Maintenance and Improvement Services

Posted on 16/12/2021
The Northern Ireland Housing Executive is planning to hold a virtual Meet the Buyer event in January 2022. This is in relation to the re-procurement of certain Lot Contracts associated with their responsive maintenance and improvement requirement.



CEF responds to Building Regulations consultation

Posted on 16/12/2021
After engagement with members, we have this week responded to the Department of Finance Consultation on the uplift to standards of Part F of the Building Regulations.



CEF Cool FM Mission Christmas Appeal

Posted on 16/12/2021
CEF got to be Secret Santa for local children with Cool FM. Thanks to our staff for their lovely gifts which will lighten up some young faces this Christmas



CEF's Patrons


Northern Ireland Electricity Networks AAB ABL Group Mills Selig JP Corry