Ready to submit an entry for your project?


There are 21 Awards with an additional 3 Judges Special Awards - here you will find out the criteria for each.

Excellence in the Use of Construction Software

Sponsored by RedSky IT

2023 Winner - GRAHAM


This category highlights the best use of Software by any company involved in construction.

  • Entries should focus on how software has been used by the company for its benefit, whether it is in streamlining business processes, improving the efficiency of construction, delivering a project more effectively, enhancing businesses relationships, overall performance, or anything in between. 
  • The software could be used on site or in the office, and entrants should be clear whether the benefits of its use lie in performance, cost, health & safety, reliability, or other factors, and provide supporting evidence.
Entries will be judged on the following criteria
  • Specific outcomes of the software’s use
  • Improved performance and efficiencies made as a result of the use of software
  • Project excellence / client satisfaction achieved through the use of software
  • Examples of the use of software driving supply chain integration 
  • The potential for wider application in the industry 
  • Any other stand-out performance that particularly merits this award – the ‘wow’ factor

Construction People of the Year - Lifetime Achievement

Sponsored by  CIOB NI

2023 Winner - Jim Henry, Henry Brothers

The Lifetime Achievement Award will be given to the individual that, in the opinion of the Judges, best exemplifies dedication to the pursuit of excellence and leadership in construction throughout their career.

This award does not require a separate entry as it is a Judges choice award

Entries will be judged on the following criteria
  • Nominations submitted in the form of a short 900 word bio.

Construction People of the Year - Outstanding Contributor

Sponsored by 

2023 Winner - Maria Bradley, Gilbert-Ash

  • Entrants cannot be business owner/managing director/chief executive

Entries will be judged on the following criteria

  • Career achievements and what the individual did to make them happen
  • Academic or mentoring success
  • Leadership with illustrative examples
  • Initiatives conceived and/or driven by the employee
  • An outline of the project currently being worked on, the technical challenges, along with how the nominee is contributing to solving these
  • Career satisfaction – what have been the best experiences and highlights to date
  • Ambitions, (career or for the industry) and the practical steps being taken to achieve these
  • A stand-out performance that particularly merits this award – the ‘wow’ factor.

Construction People of the Year - Apprentice of the Year

Sponsored by  CITB NI

2023 Winner - David Reid, Charles Brand

  • Nominations can be made by the Company
  • Apprentices must have been on an ApprenticeshipsNI (Level 2-3) or Higher Level Apprenticeship (Level 4-7) programme in 2021
  • Nomination must be counter-signed by a representative of the apprentice’s Training Provider which is a supplier of either of the above programmes.
Entries will be judged on the following criteria
  • Demonstration of achievements, contribution and the impact they have made to your company (you are encouraged to include evidence to make your application standout, such as quotes from clients, training provider, staff and fellow apprentices, and performance reviews)
  • Commitment to personal and professional development e.g. other interests in and out of work, including professional bodies
  • Commitment to progression within the industry
  • Displaying behaviours as an ambassador of good practice to their peer group & colleagues.

Fit Out Project of the Year

Sponsored by Payapps

2023 Winner -  Tracey Brothers

  • Any Fit-out project.
Entries will be judged on the following criteria
  • Client engagement & satisfaction
  • Project team working relationship
  • Creativity, quality and complexity of fit-out
  • Choice of materials
  • Evidence of a high standard of finish
  • Project management with particular regard to finishing the work on time and on budget, collaboration and decision making and management of supply chain
  • Health and Safety
  • Sustainability performance
  • Management of public impact
  • Project must be complete at time of judging.

Restoration Project of the Year

Sponsored by 

 2023 Winner -  Heron Brothers

  • Any construction restoration or renovation project.
Entries will be judged on the following criteria
  • Retention and reuse of original fabric
  • Sourcing of appropriate materials
  • Training in traditional building skills
  • Consideration of the needs of the end user
  • Client engagement and satisfaction
  • Contribution to buildability and evidence of a high standard of finish
  • Project management with particular regard to finishing the work on time and on budget and management of supply chain
  • Health and safety
  • Sustainability performance
  • Management of public impact
  • Project must be complete at time of Judging

Social/Community Construction Project of the Year, below £1.5m

Sponsored by Workwear Mallusk

2023 Winner - McKelvey Construction

  • Any project not covered by the eligibility criteria in the other categories with a value of below £1.5m
  • This could include, but is not limited to any construction project delivering particular social value or providing a resource for the community for example, sports clubs, community halls, churches or council buildings
Entries will be judged on the following criteria
  • Consideration of the needs of the end user
  • Client engagement and satisfaction
  • Contribution to buildability and evidence of a high standard of finish
  • Project management with particular regard to finishing the work on time and on budget and management of supply chain
  • Health and safety
  • Sustainability performance
  • Management of public impact
  • Project must be complete at time of Judging

Social/Community Construction Project of the Year, above £1.5m

Sponsored by

2023 Winner - Ganson UK

  • Any project not covered by the eligibility criteria in the other categories with a value of above £1.5m
  • This could include, but is not limited to any construction project delivering particular social value or providing a resource for the community for example, retail space, offices, industrial warehousing or hospitality venues, with a value of above £2.5m.
Entries will be judged on the following criteria
  • Consideration of the needs of the end user
  • Client engagement and satisfaction
  • Contribution to buildability and evidence of a high standard of finish
  • Project management with particular regard to finishing the work on time and on budget and management of supply chain
  • Health and safety
  • Sustainability performance
  • Management of public impact
  • Project must be complete at time of Judging

Commercial Construction Project of the Year

Sponsored by RTU

2023 Winner - Felix O'Hare & Company

  • Any commercial construction project for example retail space, offices, industrial warehousing or hospitality venues.
Entries will be judged on the following criteria
  • Consideration of the needs of the end user
  • Client engagement and satisfaction
  • Contribution to buildability and evidence of a high standard of finish
  • Project management with particular regard to finishing the work on time and on budget and management of supply chain
  • Health and safety
  • Sustainability performance
  • Management of public impact
  • Project must be complete at time of Judging 

Social Housing Project of the Year

Sponsored by NHBC

2023 Winner -  Kelly Brothers

  • Any social housing project either new build or refurbishment
  • At least 50% of the project must be complete
Entries will be judged on the following criteria
  • Consideration of the needs of the end user
  • Client engagement and satisfaction
  • Contribution to buildability and evidence of a high standard of finish
  • Project management with particular regard to finishing the work on time and on budget and management of supply chain
  • Health and safety
  • Sustainability performance
  • Management of public impact
  • Demonstration of net-zero energy building design including building envelope measures, energy efficiency measures and renewable energy measures.
  • EPC Rating

Private Housing Project of the Year 

Sponsored by NHBC

2023 Winner -  DB Building Contracts

  • Any housing development of five or more units is eligible
  • The development can be either a brownfield or greenfield site
  • At least 50% of the development must be complete
Entries will be judged on the following criteria
  • A distinctive overall sense of place that takes into account the characteristics of the site and its setting
  • Quality and sustainability of the overall layout, in the form and detailed design of the buildings, and the spaces around
  • An appropriate use of trees and other plants
  • A feeling of security and a sense of vitality in all parts of the layout 
  • Demonstration of net-zero energy building design including building envelope measures, energy efficiency measures and renewable energy measures.
  • EPC Rating

Multiple Occupancy Housing Project of the Year

Sponsored by 

2023 Winner -  Farrans Construction

  • Any housing development, either new build or refurbishment, to include student accommodation and private or social housing apartment projects
  • At least 50% of the project must be complete
  • The development can be either a brownfield or greenfield site
Entries will be judged on the following criteria
  • A distinctive overall sense of place that takes into account the characteristics of the site and its setting
  • Quality and sustainability of the overall layout, in the form and detailed design of the building/s, and the spaces around
  • A feeling of security and a sense of vitality in all parts of the layout
  • Consideration of the needs of the end user
  • Client engagement and satisfaction where relevant
  • Contribution to buildability and evidence of a high standard of finish
  • Project management with particular regard to finishing the work on time and on budget and management of supply chain
  • Health and safety
  • Sustainability performance
  • Management of public impact

Health Project of the Year

Sponsored by 

2023 Winner -  Cleary Contracting

  • Any construction project delivering a building for healthcare purposes for example, hospitals, community treatment care centres, care homes or doctors' surgeries.
Entries will be judged on the following criteria
  • Consideration of the needs of the end user
  • Client engagement and satisfaction
  • Contribution to buildability and evidence of a high standard of finish
  • Project management with particular regard to finishing the work on time and on budget and management of supply chain
  • Health and safety
  • Sustainability performance
  • Management of public impact
  • Project must be complete at time of Judging

Education Project of the Year

Sponsored by The KCC Group

2023 Winner -  Felix O'Hare & Company

  • Any construction project delivering a building for education purposes for example, primary schools, secondary schools, further and higher education colleges and libraries.
Entries will be judged on the following criteria
  • Consideration of the needs of the end user
  • Client engagement and satisfaction
  • Contribution to buildability and evidence of a high standard of finish
  • Project management with particular regard to finishing the work on time and on budget and management of supply chain
  • Health and safety
  • Sustainability performance
  • Management of public impact
  • Project must be complete at time of Judging

Infrastructure Project of the Year

Sponsored by RTU

2023 Winners -  Babcock Rail

  • Any construction project relating to transport infrastructure for example roads, bridges, railways, public realms, cycles routes, airports, ports or harbours OR
  • Any construction project relating to utilities infrastructure for example water, gas, electricity or communications utilities
Entries will be judged on the following criteria


  • Traffic Management
  • Engineering solutions to overcome constraints
  • Consideration of the needs of the end user
  • Client engagement and satisfaction
  • Contribution to buildability and evidence of a high standard of finish
  • Project management with particular regard to finishing the work on time and on budget and management of supply chain
  • Health and safety
  • Sustainability performance
  • Management of public impact
  • Project must be complete at time of Judging


  • Engineering solutions to overcome constraints
  • Consideration of the needs of the end user
  • Client engagement and satisfaction
  • Contribution to buildability and evidence of a high standard of finish
  • Project management with particular regard to finishing the work on time and on budget and management of supply chain
  • Health and safety
  • Sustainability performance
  • Management of public impact
  • Project must be complete at time of Judging

Excellence in Health & Safety and Wellbeing

Sponsored by CITB NI

2023 Winners -  Breedon Group

  • The judges will be looking at your company’s wider commitment to health and safety and the work done to achieve exemplary standards.
  • This award highlights overall business performance in health and safety, rather than one specific project or initiative, although examples of these should be included to support your entry.
Entries will be judged on the following criteria
  • The outcomes of H&S and wellbeing initiatives and actions to tackle mental health
  • Commitment to staff training and exceeding client demands
  • Innovation in H&S and the H&S culture within your business
  • Projects that demonstrate the highest standards of H&S and wellbeing
  • Commitment to extending your H&S culture up and/or down your supply chain
  • A stand-out example that particularly merits this award – the ‘wow’ factor.

Excellence in Training Award

Sponsored by CITB NI

2023 Winners -  Farrans Construction

  • This award is for contractors who can demonstrate a positive and progressive approach to training and developing staff between Jan 2023 to Jan 2024.
Entries will be judged on the following criteria
  • Entrants will be assessed on the outcomes of their training initiatives, as well as the innovation shown in developing new training methods and the time allocated to training. Judges will also be looking for strong leadership and commitment to training, as well as evidence of an embedded culture of training.
  • This award highlights overall business performance in training, rather than one specific project or initiative, although examples of these should be included to support your entry.
  • Innovative training relating to key areas for the future of the industry, such as Sustainability and Environmental Skills, Productivity, Digital Competence etc could be used to enhance your entry.
  • Demonstration of commitment to workplace health and wellbeing initiative to ensure staff are aware of potential long tern health risks, such as mental health or exposure to materials such as respirable silica.

Social Value Project of the Year

Sponsored by Social Enterprise NI

2023 Winners -  GRAHAM

2023 Winner - Highly Commended - Connect Transform Sustain (CTS)


Social Value allows public bodies to maximize social, environmental, and economic outcomes from procurements. Public bodies seek to achieve the best commercial outcome from procurement activities and achieves value for money, by making a positive difference to people, communities, and the environment.

The Construction industry has led the way in delivering on Social Value. This award recognizes exceptional projects that achieved social value that maximized social, environmental, and economic outcomes through tailored, impactful, and creative solutions.


  • Any project (completed or ongoing) which, over the last 18 months, has been delivered with social clause targets and/or has delivered demonstrable social value.
  • Due to judging, projects entered must be within Northern Ireland

Entries will be judged on the following criteria:

Criteria 1

How was your project delivered to maximize social value? What social value initiatives did you deliver and why did you choose these initiatives? (500 words).

Criteria 2

Who did you work with to deliver quality social value initiatives during your project? Please detail how your project was delivered to maximize community engagement, collaboration, and partnership working with, local communities, the VCSE sector and your client. (300 words).

Criteria 3

Please detail how your project has created a lasting impact/innovative approach to delivery of social value in construction? (300 words).

  • Show how you monitor and report performance. Did you achieved outcomes, how was impact measured or recorded?
  • Examples of challenges that you faced and how these were overcome.
  • What sets this project apart, is it best practice, or innovative approach to social value delivery.
  • What is the long-term impact on individuals, your company and wider community from project?
  • Evidence of company-wide buy-in to the delivery of social value on projects as well as how, if at all, your company has changed to demonstrate this.

GB & RoI Construction Project of the Year, above £5m

Sponsored by  Northstone

2023 Winners - New Build Project OTY - GRAHAM

2023 Winners - Infrastructure/Civil Engineering Project OTY - GRAHAM

2023 Winners - Refurbishment Project OTY - McKelvey Construction


Any project which is located outside Northern Ireland but within GB and Republic of Ireland and had a value above £5m. The project must fall within one of the following categories:

  • Private Housing
  • Social Housing
  • Multiple Occupancy
  • Social/Community Construction
  • Commercial Construction
  • Restoration
  • Fit-out
  • Transport & Utilities Infrastructure
  • Health Infrastructure
  • Education Infrastructure
  • Project must be complete at time of judging
Entries will be judged on the following criteria

Entries will be judged against the criteria laid down in the relevant category.

As a site visit will not be possible in this category shortlisted finalists will be expected to attend a 20 minute interview as well as submitting a video of the project. The video must not exceed 15 minutes in length.

Videos must be submitted via We Transfer or a pen drive at least 3 working days prior to the judging interview. Failure to do so will result in the entry being removed from the shortlist.

Interview dates will be 15th & 16th August 2024 - dates & timings will be strictly enforced.

GB & RoI Construction Project of the Year, below £5m

Sponsored by  Speedy Hire

2023 Winners -  McKelvey Construction


Any project which is located outside Northern Ireland but within GB and Republic of Ireland and had a value below £5m. The project must fall within one of the following categories:

  • Private Housing
  • Social Housing
  • Multiple Occupancy
  • General Construction
  • Commercial Construction
  • Restoration
  • Fit-out
  • Transport & Utilities Infrastructure
  • Health Infrastructure
  • Education Infrastructure
  • Project must be complete at time of judging
Entries will be judged on the following criteria

Entries will be judged against the criteria laid down in the relevant category.

As a site visit will not be possible in this category shortlisted finalists will be expected to attend a 20 minute interview as well as submitting a video of the project. The video must not exceed 15 minutes in length. 

Videos must be submitted via We Transfer or a pen drive at least 3 working days prior to the judging interview. Failure to do so will result in the entry being removed from the shortlist.

Interview dates will be 15th & 16th August - dates and timings will be strictly enforced.

Sustainable Company of the Year

Sponsored by Northstone

2023 Winners - Woodvale Construction


This category seeks to recognise companies that demonstrate an embedded approach to sustainable practices and is not specific to a single project. Evidence by way of example projects should demonstrate an entrant's commitment to facets including, but not limited to:

  • Sustainability
  • Carbon Reduction
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Management of Embodied Carbon

Evidence will also be required of corporate commitment across all operations.

Entries will be judged on the following criteria
  • Adoption of measures to minimise and reuse waste
  • Successful operation of an Energy Management system 
  • Protection and enhancement of the surrounding environment and its biodiversity 
  • Effective implementation of pollution prevention measures 
  • Evidence of the successful operation of an environmental management system
  • Use of sustainable /recycled building products and renewable energy
  • Use of measures to minimise energy and water use during construction and occupancy
  • Measures to demonstrate the mitigation of climate change/carbon reduction
  • Community involvement on environmental issues / projects
  • Environmental training for staff at all levels of the organisation
  • Demonstration of environmental excellence and best practice, going beyond legal compliance
  • Evidence of implementing energy efficiency measures and sustainability audits.

Sponsored By  Construction Information Services (CIS)

The Overall Winner Award for the most outstanding entry will be made to the category winner that, in the opinion of the Judges, best exemplifies dedication to the pursuit of excellence in construction.

The Judges will be looking for a particularly exceptional performance / project or a ground breaking initiative.

This award does not require a separate entry.

2023 Winners -  Heron Brothers

The Achieving Excellence in Partnering Award is a Judges' bonus award given to the entry which displays the best approach to partnering in the delivery of the project. The award is to be shared by the client, the design team and the construction team.

Companies are not able to enter themselves for this Award. 

This Award is sponsored by 

2023 Winners -  Babcock Rail

  • All award entries that relate to individual construction projects, both public and private sector, that are shortlisted for a category award will automatically be considered for this bonus award.
Entries will be judged on the following criteria
  • Collaborative working and integrated approach resulting in an improved performance
  • Agreement of mutual objectives/shared goals
  • Dispute resolution
  • Commitment to sharing gains and commercial arrangements including incentives
  • Early involvement of key members of the project team
  • Use of common processes such as shared IT
  • Good relationships throughout the supply chain
  • Minimal design changes during the construction phase
  • Measurable targets for health and safety, sustainability, design quality, value engineering and completion dates
  • Project must be complete at time of judging

Category Sponsors

Thanks to our Sponsors below:

CEF's Patrons


Northern Ireland Electricity Networks AAB ABL Group Mills Selig JP Corry