CEF Weekly Round Up

17 May 2024  Business Environment 

This week Fionnuala McKenna introduced Construction Futures NI to the quarterly ‘Construction Event’, which brings together industry and key government stakeholders. This event's theme focused on skills and Fionnuala outlined research to date along with steps taken and future plans to address key skill shortages. 

Construction Futures NI has a new logo and will act to advance Northern Ireland’s construction industry by informing, attracting, developing and retaining a skilled workforce. 

Kathleen O’Hare, Chair of the NI Skills Council also presented on the skills landscape with future engagement planned amongst key stakeholders going forward to advance change. 



St Patrick's College, Construction Skill Builder Programme

Elsewhere Fionnuala was also delighted to judge the St Patrick's College, Construction Skill Builder Programme in Dungannon this week. 

Construction Futures presented on careers in construction and conducted a ‘Maths in Construction’ workshop alongside South West College Civil Engineering apprentice David Conway which highlighted the crucial role of mathematics in the sector. 


Utility Regulator and Energy Institute's annual Energy Forum

CEF also attended the Utility Regulator and Energy Institute's annual Energy Forum on Tuesday. Amongst the speakers Eugene Heaney from Invest NI outlined certain grants available to local business. A grant up to £150k is available for businesses to buy and install energy efficient equipment -the Energy Efficiency Capital Grant | Invest Northern Ireland (investni.com)

There is also a Resource Efficiency Capital Grant to support eligible Invest NI client companies investing in resource efficient technologies 



CEF's Patrons


Northern Ireland Electricity Networks PKF-FPM ABL Group Mills Selig